A flexible sheet of 64 Neopixel LEDs with the brightness turned down:
That's not a LED panel, THIS is a LED panel - 256 LEDs, with a string of another 256 LEDs. It was very memorising to watch waves of rainbow colour wash across it all:
Stephen started playing around with some STM32 development boards. The battery is a largish 3.7V 2500mA Li-ion:
You can also pick up some cheap WeMOS ESP8266 boards, and various add-ons:
Paul tested out a 3.3V to 5V translator board, so he could drive a string of Neopixels from a ESP8266:
He also experimented with a couple of home made Infr-red LED boards (850nM and 940nM) to see how they worked with a Raspberry Pi camera:
A RPi IR view of the electronics world: