We had one of the original meeting members pop by. Lots of laughs and memories.
I missed photographing Harry's stop motion camera power supply, however you can view some of his videos here. We also had noise and action around a electronic car engine controller. Great to hear and see it in action!
A blown older version that needs a bit of love to be resurrected:
With a bit of help, a young member has designed up a LED xmas tree. Next to it are some new ESP32-C3 modules:
There where two AliExpress spot welder kits:
Some PCB's have just arrived to build a Solar 6V PV to LiFePO4 single battery charger:
There was an Adeept MARS rover around. The software has been re-jigged so it will operate via a Python CLI:
A new PCB has been made to help connect power and data to the input of the ES2812 LED strip:
X27.168 stepper motor mounting PCB: